
Friday, October 13, 2017

Kao Dao

Best Personal Insurance Moves You Can Make To Increase Protection

There’s nothing wrong with depending on your insurance policies to be there for you in the event of an emergency. If you’re disabled or your home is struck by a natural disaster or you get in to a fender-bender in a parking lot, you should have some form of coverage that kicks in to soften the blow. But there are also some things you can do to avoid creating costly claims, paying high deductibles, and skyrocketing your monthly premiums.
We call this “personal insurance,” in the sense that it consists of simple, personal behaviors to keep costs low along with the likelihood of filing a claim. Here’s what we recommend:

Health Insurance Costs
Year-after-year, health insurance is one of the fastest rising costs with which consumers must contend. And for each day that a person spends seated for six or more hours, the chances of those costs going up only get worse. To improve the odds of a clean annual checkup and decrease the risk of a major medical event, we recommend that you take 10,000 steps per day. That’s the equivalent of five miles, and it can really pay huge dividends in the fight against heart disease, obesity, and cancer.
Set a work timer of about 45 minutes. When you’re done being productive, force yourself to go for a walk. If going to a physical destination, choose the parking space furthest from the entrance. (Added perk: less traffic to deal with when you get out.) Other steps can include eating vegetables every day, avoiding excess sugar and carbohydrates, and consuming fewer calories. You don’t have to be Mr./Miss Fitness; you just have to redefine your routines to incorporate healthier choices.

Home Insurance Costs
The less effort you put into taking care of your home, the more likely you’ll have to fork out some major bucks when something goes wrong. Luckily, there are a number of simple things you can do to stop claims in their tracks. For starters, choose your home wisely. By living in a safer neighborhood, you reduce the risk of burglary and theft claims. Add a security system to the mix, and you can see a slight discount on your monthly premiums. Also, retouch paint as needed, replace rattling boards, loose shingles, and other parts of the house — interior and exterior — that could lead to bigger (and more expensive) problems. Keeping your house clean and free from clutter can also have some crossover impact on health costs by reducing the ability of allergies to take hold.

If your home does need repairs and you can do them yourself, have at it! However, we always recommend using a qualified professional over stumbling through uncharted handyman territory. Either way, taking care of issues before they get out of control will result in a longer-lasting home, fewer claims, and lower costs over time.

Auto Insurance Costs
Want cheap car insurance? Destiny is in your hands. The best thing that can be done to save money on auto coverage is to drive safely. Obey traffic laws, go the speed limit, and be a defensive driver. In other words, mind your road manners and try to anticipate what the other drivers are going to do. Don’t give them too much credit. Assume you’re the best driver on the road — no matter how true or untrue that is — and you’re well on your way to seeing outside the narrow lane you’re in.


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